The effect of Hydroxychloroquine on alloreactivity and its potential use for graft-versus-host disease

Hydroxychloroquine COVID Graft-Versus-Host Disease Q Plus News

“Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) interferes with antigen processing and with receptor loading and recycling by raising the pH of lysosomes and endosomes.”

“HCQ thus inhibits MHC class II-restricted antigen presentation by blocking the binding of peptides to MHC molecules. Additionally, HCQ has been shown to diminish the release of several cytokines.”

“HCQ’s ability to reduce the cytotoxicity, proliferation, and TNF alpha production resulting from allorecognition suggests that it may be useful in the prevention and treatment of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).”


Use of Hydroxychloroquine for the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of graft-versus-host disease after bone marrow transplant

Hydroxychloroquine COVID Graft-Versus-Host Disease Q Plus News

“Use of hydroxychloroquine for the manufacture of a medicament for suppressing alloreactivity arising from reaction of donor T lymphocytes against recipient cells.”

Hydroxychloroquine COVID Graft-Versus-Host Disease Q Plus News“More particularly, the present invention relates to the use of hydroxychloroquine for prevention and treatment of graft-versus-host disease.”


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By Paul

PAUL MUADDIB is a journalist, investigator and QAnon with a focus on uncovering the truth.

2 thoughts on “Hydroxychloroquine Prevents Graft-Versus-Host Disease”
  1. Dear Paul
    Thank you so much – I have worked in Big Pharma for more than 20 years never heard about these studies – taken CQ many times travelling in Africa and other places. 1? have you seen anything regarding Ideophatic Neuropathia? So grateful – best lone juul darket

  2. Hey Juul you’re welcome. thank you very much i really appreciate that. I have not but i put it on the list to investigate. Ill let you know what i find. thanks and have a great day

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